Protecting Your Business With a BYOD Policy

At the 2014 SAF Annual Convention I spoke with several florists about the importance of a BYOD (bring your own device) policy. Such policies define the acceptable use of personal electronic devices likes smartphones and tablets in the workplace. Larger businesses enforce policies and small businesses need to do the same.

Think about a restaurant... would they want employees taking pictures of the prep areas, kitchen  or garbage disposal, and then potentially sharing on Facebook? Even if they were not just following or exceeding all official guidelines and passing all inspections those are generally not the images they want to present to the world. That goes for most businesses – ownership wants to present one brand and image to the world, and the back rooms are usually not part of that.

Courtesy and professionalism are also factors that need to be considered. People have a habit of checking their devices almost absentmindedly, but does a customer really want to deal with a salesperson, server or clerk that is also checking their phone?

Lost productivity is another issue. Sure – we might spend only a few seconds at a time checking our devices but all of those seconds add up and it is the employer that loses out.

And the nature of the internet presents challenges as well – it means almost any content is available at any time. But so much of that content is inappropriate for the workplace and could be offensive to other employees that could claim they were subjected to a hostile work environment.

A personal device policy is something employers need to consider.

Solid Tipping Advice from the Book "Heads in Beds"

“Heads in Beds”, a book by Jacob Tomsky, is a highly entertaining and very interesting read about the hotel business. Tomsky spent many years as a front desk agent and has a lot of colorful stories but he also makes a great argument for tipping the front desk clerk that checks you in when you arrive.

I’ve been testing this practice ever since reading the book last year. So far it has proved worthwhile – if I got the timing of the tip right and followed Tomsky’s suggestions I pretty much always ended up with a better room and/or extras.

There is more information on my personal site.

Roaches and rat droppings... no big deal.

Something very strange happened not far from my neighbourhood a few years ago. Some of the most affluent members of the community were suddenly telling anybody who would listen that rodent droppings and roaches in a grocery store were no big deal.

Why? Because it happened in their grocery store. The same exclusive, high-end grocery store they had been supporting financially and championing for years as being the finest store of it's kind. It was preferable to ignore something they would have fund appalling had it happened one of the less exclusive stores on the same street.

The full post is on my personal site.